How to get a whopping 23GB of data on Ntel network
Ntel is a 4G LTE network provider with one of the cheapest 4g data network.
Ntel wawu sim provides users with 500% data bonus when the buy the wawu sim and recharge.
You will get the following bonus when you recharge
You will get these bonuses instantly:
1GB data for activation (valid for 48 hours).
8kobo/sec calls to all networks for 1 year.
500% bonus on all data purchases for 1 year.
How to activate the 23GB data using the Ntel WAWU SIM
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After the successful registration of your Ntel SIM, you will be given two SIM cards: one of them would contain free 1GB data and the other SIM would contain free 10GB data. Making free 11GB of data.
Now, after exhausting the 10GB of data, you can use the remaining N1,000 in your account balance to purchase 12GB data.
For registering an Ntel WAWU SIM, you will get 500% double data (valid for a year). For instance, if you subscribe to 1GB, it will be doubled to 6GB and if you subscribe to Ntel N1,000 for 2GB data plan, it will be doubled to 12GB data and the same applies to the voice and data plan). Now, you would have a total data of 23GB. It’s free and even the N1,000 you pay would reflect in your account main balance. Then, it’s actually free of course, enjoy!
Ntel network for now is only readily available at Abuja, Lagos and Rivers state. In subsequent times, other states would witness the 4g browsing speed.
I hope this helps
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