How to generate free Data on Dents application

Hi guys! Its been long time we enjoyed free browsing cheats...Today am gon teach us how to get free DATA for any network!!  I mean free!! Totally Free!!

This application Dent is capable of giving you any amount of data you accumulate.

All you need to do is to download the application..

☆ Register manually
☆ Fill your details
An otp would be sent to you.. input it to confirm your verification.

You would be given 20 dents upon registration, although its a referal program for you to earn more.

To see the number of dents required to buy data plan, kindly click on the box provided on the screenshot.. input your number starting from +234 just as the screenshot below..

To find your referral code, kindly look at the "Invite button" to get your referral code.

You can try for either mtn Airtel Glo and 9mobile..

Example you can get 262 mb on glo for just 32 dents..

To download the app click HERE.

Keep checking our blog we would update you all on how to accumulate the data cheers

Kindly share.


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